Cardápio Delicioso

Sucos Naturais Frescos

Deliciosos sucos naturais feitos com frutas frescas e ingredientes selecionados.


Oferecemos uma variedade de lanches, chás e sucos para todos os gostos.

Chás Aromáticos Especiais

Chás preparados com ervas selecionadas, perfeitos para qualquer hora do dia.

Lanches Rápidos Saborosos

Lanches variados, feitos com ingredientes frescos e muito sabor para você.

Bebidas Refrescantes

Bebidas geladas e refrescantes para acompanhar seus lanches e chás.

Sobremesas Irresistíveis

Sobremesas caseiras que vão adoçar o seu dia de forma especial.

Pratos Vegetarianos Saudáveis

Opções vegetarianas saborosas, preparadas com ingredientes frescos e nutritivos.

A tea shop named Chaayos located in an airport. The kiosk features a modern and inviting design with wood paneling and greenery. A variety of teas and snacks are displayed in glass cases. People are seen interacting with the shop, with travel bags in tow. The environment is bustling and well-lit, typical of an airport setting.
A tea shop named Chaayos located in an airport. The kiosk features a modern and inviting design with wood paneling and greenery. A variety of teas and snacks are displayed in glass cases. People are seen interacting with the shop, with travel bags in tow. The environment is bustling and well-lit, typical of an airport setting.

Reservas Online

Reserve sua mesa para desfrutar de nossas lanchonetes e deliciosos chás e sucos.